Research and Development Organization Evaluation was adopted by the Government of the Slovak Republic by government decree No. 766/2007 in the Long-term Plan of the State Science and Technology Policy by the Year 2015. The purpose of aptitude evaluation of research and development of organizations that are funded from the state budget is to evaluate quality of their research and development and effectiveness of use of provided funding.
The Act No. 172/2005 Coll. on Organisation of State Support for Research and Development and on amending of the Act No. 575/2001 Coll. on the organisation of the activities of the Government and on the organisation of the central state administration as amended by later regulations established a condition of funding from the state budget (finances provided by the Slovak Research and Development Agency, State Programmes and Sector Projects) on the basis of Certificate that is a result from organization evaluation of research and development performance. Details of the method and procedure provided Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic of 15 May 2009 No. CD-2009-20239/4722-1:11 on the method and procedure of the evaluation of the aptitude for research and development performance.
Authorised evaluation organ is Evaluation Committee, which consists of chairman, vice-chairman and other members, who are appointed and removed by the Minister of Education at the proposal of universities representations, Slovak Academy of Sciences and representative employers’ associations. Evaluation Committee has 15 members, one third of this members are representatives from the business sector.
Evaluation Committee evaluates quality of research and development performance and conditions in evaluated research and development organization. Indicators for aptitude evaluation are:
- publications in Slovakia and abroad, citations from the publications in Slovakia and abroad,
- patents in Slovakia and in the European Union,
- amount of money from the competitive research and development funding,
- participation in research and development projects; output of these projects were used in economic and social praxis,
- participation in EU Framework programme for research, technological development and demonstrations projects, in EU programmes and initiatives and in international research and development programmes,
- participation in projects in European research and development centres and in international research and development centres,
- assurance of conditions for training and education in area of research and development for employees,
- infrastructure for R&D.
Results from aptitude evaluation together with conclusions of Evaluation Committee are submitted to the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of Slovak Republic that issues or ablates Certificate - evidence of aptitude for research and development performance.